Rise and Thrive. Good Monday morning. Today is the day that you take charge of your future. I have spent countless times complaining about my life circumstances, from relationships, work, child-rearing, appearance, etc. The one thing that my complaining did not do was resolve my problems. Today I vent my complaints to an empathetic ear and then…Read More
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About Me
Holli Johnson
Peer Support Specialist
I have over 5 years sobriety with one goal in mind, to help myself and other's to become the best version of themselves through healing, learning , understanding and coping with lifes challenges. I also am familiar with mental health issues since I, myself have been dealing with mania, depression, anger and anxiety since I was very young, and am here and happy to help in any way I can, even if its just by listening and understanding. I can also help with referrals!
Melissa Saady
Angel Fuller
Mary Seebach
Tiffany Anderson