Rodney Hough and
Lisa Jones are now friends
Hi Lisa, how are you doing? I’m looking forward to being a team member and reaching out to as many people as possible:)
Rodney Hough and
Thomas DeCoteau Jr. are now friends
Rise and Thrive. Happy midweek. Do you often feel flustered and rushed in the morning leading to frustration and negative thoughts as you run out the door to begin your day? The solution can be as simple as adding five extra minutes to your morning routine. Waking up earlier never seems appealing, let’s be real, rarely do we feel well-rested. B…Read More
ChristmaR changed their profile picture
Rise and Thrive. Are you struggling with motivation when embarking on a new task or goal? That is because we are focusing on the wrong thing. Motivation does indeed get the ball rolling, but dedication and discipline keep the ball rolling when our motivation wanes. When I set my mind to a new goal, I keep going until I have crushed it, or when…Read More
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About Me
Ken Dunn (aka Katbird)
Recovery Coach/Group Facilitator/Chief Joy Facilitator
Recovery is not the end of fun, it's just the beginning.
My recovery journey started at the end of a 12 year marriage. I knew things needed to change. After starting to meditate for intrusive thoughts, I started attending a Buddhist-based and mindfulness-based recovery program. That was a life changer for me.
After 2 years in recovery, I still wasn't happy. Things were supposed to be better but, I wasn't feeling it. I attended Codependents Anonymous and made progress, however, that didn't feel like the end of the story.
I got back into backpacking and started spending more time outdoors. I eventually decided to attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail. After 5 month and 2193, I completed it on October 4, 2020 during the pandemic. During that time, I realized I wanted to follow a life of purpose.
Shortly thereafter, I took experiential recovery coaching training. I immediately recognized that to be the path I was meant to follow. Within 4 months I left my previous career of 30 years to work in peer support.
In the meantime, I started attending Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families. I am continuing to recover from the complex PTSD (CPTSD) that I experienced.
Over the course of my 7 years in recovery, I have seen how engaging in meaningful fun activities has improved my mental health and well-being and how I can learn valuable life skills from them.
Recovery is not the end of fun, it's just the beginning.