Whitney started the topic Question of The Month in the forum Public Forum
Each month we’ll post a new question/prompt. Responses will be used to create content for Straight Up Care’s daily social media quotes.
Rise and Thrive. If you have found yourself struggling with motivation and drive recently, I want you to do a quick inventory. The mind-body connection is real. If we are not sleeping enough, eating properly, hydrating, or moving our bodies, we may see negative effects in other areas of our lives. I am sure for many of you, these things just seem…Read More
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Today I get to be in the hot seat – Dr. Mo is interviewing me for a Recovery Conversations episode. Wish me luck!
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About Me
Ken Dunn (aka Katbird)
Recovery Coach/Group Facilitator/Chief Joy Facilitator
Recovery is not the end of fun, it's just the beginning.
My recovery journey started at the end of a 12 year marriage. I knew things needed to change. After starting to meditate for intrusive thoughts, I started attending a Buddhist-based and mindfulness-based recovery program. That was a life changer for me.
After 2 years in recovery, I still wasn't happy. Things were supposed to be better but, I wasn't feeling it. I attended Codependents Anonymous and made progress, however, that didn't feel like the end of the story.
I got back into backpacking and started spending more time outdoors. I eventually decided to attempt to hike the Appalachian Trail. After 5 month and 2193, I completed it on October 4, 2020 during the pandemic. During that time, I realized I wanted to follow a life of purpose.
Shortly thereafter, I took experiential recovery coaching training. I immediately recognized that to be the path I was meant to follow. Within 4 months I left my previous career of 30 years to work in peer support.
In the meantime, I started attending Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families. I am continuing to recover from the complex PTSD (CPTSD) that I experienced.
Over the course of my 7 years in recovery, I have seen how engaging in meaningful fun activities has improved my mental health and well-being and how I can learn valuable life skills from them.
Recovery is not the end of fun, it's just the beginning.