Rise and Thrive. Are you struggling with positivity because you feel unappreciated? The kids are demanding and expecting, your partner is needy, but not giving, your employer is pushing you harder and no thanks are forthcoming? All of these scenarios are common, yet frustrating. We know what we expect from each of these entities, but do they know…Read More
Whitney and
Lisa Jones are now friends
Rise and Thrive, welcome to a fabulous Monday. In my area, it is forecasted to rain today. I would often think about rainy days as days I should be in bed, hiding under the covers. Today though, I will think about a rainy day as a cleansing day. Washing away the sorrows, the worries, the fears, the self-doubt, and the sadness. Giving way to a…Read More
Rise and Thrive. We have made it past hump day; we are on a downward trend for the week. I must admit that I press positivity, but I would be remiss if I didn’t say I struggle with negative thoughts from time to time too. I woke up yesterday with no will or drive. I was not feeling well physically or mentally. I got up and did the expected b…Read More
Yesterday was Monday, and it may have been difficult. You may have stumbled, lost your cool, or not accomplished everything on the to-do list. That is all ok, give yourself some grace and try again today.
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About Me

Enrico Farruggio
Mobile Crisis Responder, CPRS
I grew up feeling like an outcast, different, and less than because I was a special ed student. My Parents got divorced when I was in 6th grade. I tried to cope with the divorce the best I could as an 11-year-old. From 6th grade to high school, my social life diminished, and spent my time behind a computer screen playing video games. I would walk back home right after being dropped off. The video game community is where I felt loved and the attention I was seeking. In high school, there was this crowd that seemed to be happy, and laughing all the time. I observed what they were doing and stole a pack of my mom's cigarettes later that day. The next day I brought the cigarettes to one of the guys in that crowd. The next day, I was introduced to Marijuana and I thought I found the solution in my life. Very shortly after, I started smoking every day and attended parties with alcohol. Building Barriers with the ones that loved me most by lying, and stealing. Fast Forward, to the end of my using days was being homeless at a traffic light with a cardboard sign. Sleeping in my car, dirty clothes for months, and sneaking into public facilities to get a shower. When I accepted that I was powerless and unmanageable from drugs (Heroin, Cocaine). That was the start of my Journey being clean and sober.