Solving the Extensive Peer Support Specialist Burnout: The Straight Up Care Platform

Challenges experienced by peer support specialists have long been known by those willing to ask and listen. In their February 2024 Policy Brief, Gaiser et al, at University of North Carolina Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center, provide evidence to support the well-known anecdotal information for why peer support specialists have experienced such high rates of burnout and turnover. The findings published by Gaiser et al, are the very reasons why Straight Up Care chose to revolutionize mental health and addiction peer support service delivery.

As reported by Gaiser et al, “Nearly half (42%) of survey respondents reported considering leaving their position, and 44% reported an intent to leave in the next year.” Take a look at how Straight Up Care has been leading the way in empowering peer support specialists.

Most common reasons for leaving current peer support position, according to Gaiser et al.:

Problem: “opportunities to pursue a position with better pay/benefits (76%)…”

Straight Up Care Solution: Peers on the Straight Up Care platform get to set their own rate, schedule, and clientele to work with.

Problem: “career advancement/promotion opportunities (61%), burnout (41%), and a lack of advancement opportunities in their current role (41%)”

Straight Up Care Solution: With Straight Up Care, there are no limitations – we support each peer specialist in achieving all their wildest professional dreams through a comprehensive platform that offers administrative and compliance tools, ongoing free trainings, and a team dedicated to helping the peer specialist on their journey of success.

Problem: “Other factors associated with intent to leave included being in a role that requires completing tasks that fall outside of PRSS job responsibilities, high levels of burnout, and being unable to meet their financial needs.”

Straight Up Care Solution: At Straight Up Care, peer specialists work for themselves, we call it being a PeerPreneur – so you’re in control of what work you do, when you do it, who you work with, and what you get paid for your time. We’ve simplified all the administrative work so that peers can focus on delivering support. With our free monthly virtual gatherings, we ensure peer specialists receive the support, connection, and encouragement they deserve.

While everyone else is busy playing catchup, we’ll keep being leaders in peer support specialist empowerment. Join today and begin your journey as a self-employed peer specialist.

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