Self-Care Revolution: 5 Steps to Build a Routine That Fits Your Life (and Actually Sticks)

Build a self-care routine that actually works for you!

Self-care is everywhere! We see it plastered on mugs, addressed through motivational quotes, and championed by celebrities, healthcare professionals, and wellness experts aline. But for many of us, self-care feels less like a revolutionary act and more like another item on the ever-growing to-do list that just causes more stress. Here’s the truth: self-care isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. We have to figure out what works for us! A lavender-scented bubble bath that melts your friend’s stress might leave you wide awake and jittery. The key to self-care success is creating a personalized routine that works for you.

Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. Three purple clouds with orange shadows. In the bottom left is a large cloud that says too big. In the middle right is a small cloud that says too small. In the center towards is a medium-sized cloud that says just right. The image is to depict finding your self-care sweet spot.Step 1. Find Your Self-Care Sweet Spot

Let’s ditch the self-care guilt trip right off the bat. You are worthy of prioritizing your well-being, no matter how jam-packed your schedule feels. The first step? Tune into your needs. What areas of your life feel depleted? Are you constantly dragging yourself out of bed, existing on a low-grade hum of exhaustion? Does your mind race even after you clock out of work? Identifying your needs will be your compass, guiding you towards the self-care practices that will have the biggest impact.


Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. The text says brainstorm like a boss. there's a cartoon person in an orange shirt with purple pants sitting on a purple box. There are 5 thinking bubbles. One has a document, one has a bullseye, one has a lightbulb, one has a pawn from chess, and the final has a sand clock. There's also a yellow pot with purple plant.Step 2. Brainstorm Like a Boss

Grab a notebook, ditch your inner critic, and unleash your creativity. Make a list of activities that bring you joy, a sense of accomplishment, or simply a feeling of deep relaxation. This list can be as unique and individual as you are. Does curling up with a good book transport you to another world? Does getting lost in a dance class leave you exhilarated? Maybe it’s the quiet pleasure of savoring a cup of tea on your porch, listening to the birdsong. Don’t be afraid to include activities that seem “unproductive” – sometimes the most effective self-care involves simply allowing yourself to be present in the moment.


Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. Cartoon person sitting on a purple box. Person has on a yellow shirt and dark, likely blue or black pants. there's two gears, one black and one orange with a clock in the middle. There's also a picture of a calendar and a paper airplane. The text says tailor to your timeStep 3. Tailor It To Your Time

Let’s be real, we all have a finite amount of time in a day, so we have to be realistic! Start small and identify self-care practices that can be woven into the fabric of your existing routine. Even five minutes of mindful breathing in the morning can make a world of difference. Here’s a breakdown to get you started:

  • Daily: Can you incorporate a short meditation session into your morning routine while your coffee brews? Pack a healthy lunch to nourish your body instead of grabbing greasy takeout? Even small changes can have a big impact.
  • Weekly: Schedule a relaxing bath with essential oils and calming music, or plan a social outing with friends for some laughter and connection.
  • Monthly: Treat yourself to a massage or a spa day. Maybe plan a weekend getaway to reconnect with nature or explore a new city.


Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. Text says make it a ritual. There is a 3 arrow cycle around a clock centered in the image. between the arrows is a sun, a moon, and a rising sun.Step 4. Make it a Ritual

A ritual is a set of actions performed in a specific way. Transform your self-care practices into rituals. This will not only make them more enjoyable, but also help them become a natural part of your day, increasing their effectiveness. Eventually, it will become so second nature you won’t even have to think about doing it, like brushing your teeth. Light a scented candle before meditation, brew your favorite herbal tea for afternoon unwinding, or create a dedicated playlist for your morning walks. These rituals will act as cues, reminding you to prioritize your well-being.


Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. Text reads embrace flexibility. There is a cartoon person without a face and a grey top. there is a circle around the person that, just before it comes to a full circle it veers off to the right and an arrow points to a shining yellow star. The arrow is orange and red.Step 5. Embrace Flexibility

Let’s ditch the self-care guilt trip right off the bat. You are worthy of prioritizing your well-being, no matter how jam-packed your schedule feels. The first step? Tune into your needs. What areas of your life feel depleted? Are you constantly dragging yourself out of bed, existing on a low-grade hum of exhaustion? Does your mind race even after you clock out of work? Identifying your needs will be your compass, guiding you towards the self-care practices that will have the biggest impact.


Remember: Self-care is a journey, not a destination. Be patient, experiment, and find what works best for you. By taking care of yourself, you’ll be better equipped to handle life’s challenges and shine even brighter in all areas.


Turquoise background with a thin grey boarder. There is a large calendar and a person the same size as the calendar in a purple shirt, black skirt, yellow socks and orange shoes. The person has grey hair and dark skin. They are checking off something on the calendar. The text reads track progress.Bonus Tip: Track your progress! Jot down how you feel after each self-care activity. This will help you identify the practices that have the biggest impact on your well-being and refine your routine over time.

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