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Mickayla Hanzlik are now friends
Mickayla Hanzlik changed their profile picture
Whitney replied to the topic Resources in the forum Public Forum
Navigating the New Year resource: https://hubs.ly/Q02dqg-40
Whitney started the topic Straight Up Care: FAQ in the forum Public Forum
This forum is for providing information frequently requested. You can also submit a question to be added to the FAQ.
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About Me

Peer specialist
I'm 39 years old I have four children one is adopted I have been to State prison in federal prison my longest day was eight and a half years straight I grew up in foster care I struggle with a meth addiction since I've been 11 years old my mom is an alcoholic I grew up in a dysfunctional home abusive home I have a lot of trauma from childhood to all the way to adults of domestic violence I struggled with a drinking problem another struggle is CPS I got my baby back from. I'm doing straight up care to show other people that there is a hope for the future through me all we have to do is change our habits to change our lives thank you
Keep in touch


Courtney Hays

Mickayla Hanzlik

Melissa Dittberner

Talynn Smykle