Rise and Thrive. Wonderful Wednesday to you all. This week we are discussing effective communication. Once you have mastered the ability to actively listen to the other party, it would then be beneficial to work on comprehension of what was heard. When speaking you want to be clear and conscience. When listening it is important to ask clarifying…Read More
Rise and Thrive. Happy Tuesday. Today I want to expound on the active listening component of good communication. Have you ever found yourself thinking of your response to an individual instead of fully paying attention to what they are saying? I know I am guilty of this! Active listening means taking the time to fully hear what the other party is…Read More
Rise and Thrive. Monday is here and I want to discuss ways to communicate in any environment more effectively, which will lead to more positive progress in all areas of life. I have always heard that communication is the key to any relationship. In this case, I am referring to intimate, personal, friends, family, work etc. Communication, simply…Read More
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Whitney replied to the topic Question of The Month in the forum Public Forum
April 2024 Question of the Month: What’s important to know about comparing yourself to others when it comes to mental health and/or addiction?
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About Me

Matthew Thompson
Community Health Worker / Retired Marine
Matthew Thompson grew up in rural South Dakota before joining the Marine Corps in 1995. With over 28 years of active enlisted and officer service he deployed three times to Iraq and one time to Afghanistan with many peacetime deployments all over the globe. His experiences resulted in a PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder and a Adjustment Disorder diagnoses. After being investigated for domestic abuse / domestic violence, he lost a 26-year marriage and found himself struggling with suicidal ideations. Those suicidal thoughts were exacerbated through the use of opioids, benzos, and 18 months of homelessness.
Matthew's recovery began with Celebrate Recovery, PTSD support groups, National Alliance on Mental Illness, and serving others. He now works as a Community Health Worker and Peer Support at a homeless mission. He is passionate about helping others. Using his life-experiences, Matthew shows how vulnerability and honesty can lead to healing.