Here is a sneak peek on what I have been working on.
Do You want to be part of the 2%? Are you part of the 2%? Leave a comment, where you are in looking at your own addictions. Are you Curious about what sobriety can look like for you.
In the area of recovery, the term “2%” is often used to refer to the concept that only a small percentage of individuals who struggle with addiction or other challenges actually seek help and successfully achieve long-term recovery. It is a way of highlighting the need for greater awareness, support, and resources for those who are on their recovery journey.
The “2%” represents the small fraction of individuals who are actively engaged in their recovery process and have made the commitment to change their lives. It serves as a reminder that recovery is not an easy path, but with dedication, support, and the right resources, it is possible to overcome challenges and create a fulfilling life in recovery.
By acknowledging the 2%, we aim to break the stigma surrounding addiction and mental health issues, and encourage more people to seek the help they need and deserve. Recovery is a personal and unique journey, and everyone’s path may look different. It is important to remember that recovery is not defined by a statistic, but by the individual’s commitment and progress towards a healthier and more fulfilling life.

Dakota Ouellette

Vanessa Needles

Ryan Spillane


Mickayla Hanzlik