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About Me

Carrie Morrison

Certified Peer Support Specialist, Qualified Mental Health Associate-Registrant

Hi! My name is Carrie. I am a 40-something yr. old woman who identifies as a female and that uses the pronouns, she/her/hers. I have been peer supporting since 2017, in a professional manner, but feel as if I have been doing it in some fashion or other for most of my adult life. My approach to life is that we are here to live fully and to participate in the experience in every way we can, and so I try to do just that. It sure isn’t easy for some, though, is it? For those out there who feel as though your journey is amazingly difficult, and those that find themselves growing weary at even the thought of having to continue to fight for better days for yourself- I GET IT! I understand how exhausting it is to take one step forward, only to then fall 10 steps back again, over and over. This is where my gift within lies- with being able to provide the hope, determination, desire, and dedication that people out here need so that they can move forward. Forward towards claiming the life of satisfaction and fulfillment that we all deserve. It wasn't until July 2016, when a near death experience induced by severe alcoholism, put me in a coma and in the ICU for 9 days. It wasn't until after this that my life journey became both obvious and purposeful and I have not looked back since, . I have since experienced everything from the bottom of the rock pile to the profound and amazing, and everything in between. I am a native Washingtonian (the one in the Pacific Northwest), that relocated to Idaho during the pandemic, and now will be relocating again soon to what is still an unknown place. I have 2 grown, young-adult children and 2 grandsons with another on the way. As of January 2024, I started attending Western Governors University, working towards a Bachelor of Science degree in the Health & Human Services program. My brush with death has lent me an incredibly outside the box world view and has given me the inspiration to continue to go forward in my pursuit of assisting every human being that I can with remembering how truly powerful they really are. I belief fully in every individual that I work with and can (and prefer to) meet people where they are at in life with a genuine interest in knowing WHO they are and HOW they are. My primary focus is to help foster and grow in people a love for this journey, even with all of its ups and downs, that will be the foundation for them to eventually achieve their true hopes and dreams. Recovery and achieving peace within yourself IS possible and I can prove it to you.


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