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About Me

Ryan Spillane

Hawaii Certified Peer Specialist

I grew up in the Philadelphia Area and ended up getting sober in Hawaii. I struggled with mental health since I was a kid and got into drugs and alcohol by 15 years old. By 18, I was an IV heroin addict which became my drug of choice. I struggled with heroin until age 40 when I got consistent sobriety. I have been in treatment about 20 times, never being able to hold more than 90 days sober until age 40. Everyone thought I was lost cause.

I found myself in psyche wards, county jails, and all levels of homelessness. I lost my little brother to suicide and my father is an active addict. Drugs completely pulled apart my family of origin. I have been in variety of treatment centers both civilian and federal, been in half way houses and sober living environments. I am a multiple heroin and fentanyl overdose survivor, as well as a major suicide attempt survivor.

I finally got sober in 12 steps fellowships, which isn’t the only way to change but it’s the way that worked for me. I’m actively working in Alcoholics Anonymous and Adult Child of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families. I sponsor a bunch of men in those programs. I became a Hawaii Certified Peer Specialist in 2022 and worked in a couple treatment centers that dealt mostly with the courts and homeless population. I am experienced in peer recovery education, peer one on one counseling, and public speaking. I have worked with different recovery modalities like WRAP and SMART, and have some experience with other various recovery fellowships.

I am also an Army veteran. I hold a BS in Economics and an MBA in Supply Chain Management. I have been to 19 countries, and have lived in Mexico, Vietnam, and Puerto Rico.
My passion and purpose is helping others struggling with mental heath and addiction. I am also involved in recovery education and suicide prevention in my community, as well educating for Crisis Intervention Training for the HPD.

I try my best to walk a divine path, though I am not religious. I meditate, do breath work, cold plunges, journal, pray….and I’ll try pretty much anything spiritual if it works for me. I occasionally attend buddhist temples and various churches. I love to surf and love to fix surf boards too. I feel most spiritually connected in nature and especially in the ocean. Those are the things that I found work for me and keep me sober and mentally, spiritually and physically healthy.

I am gifted with the ability to relate to pretty much anyone. I am very social and love to be of service. Allow me to help you find the path that works for you. We are all the same and we are all connected.



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