Oregon |
Website(s) |
The Mental Health and Addiction Counseling Board of Oregon: |
CRM Certification |
Oregon Health Authority: |
Program Description |
The Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon’s Certified Addictions Recovery Mentor Application: |
A Certified Recovery Mentor (CRM) is an addiction treatment and/or recovery consumer who has been trained and certified to help other consumers identify and achieve self-determined goals of recovery. The CRM cultivates the consumer’s ability to make informed, independent choices, and assists consumers in gaining information and support from the community. As a CRM, an individual accepts and agrees that his or her experience as an addiction consumer of treatment or broader recovery community self-help or other recovery-oriented services will be known by their colleagues, consumers and others with whom s/he may share that s/he has achieved this certification. “Certified Recovery Mentor – Peer Delivered Services” means an array of agency or community-based services and supports pro- vided by Certified Recovery Mentors, to individuals or family members with similar lived experience, that are designed to support the needs of individuals and families as applicable. “Certified Recovery Mentor” means a person providing peer delivered services to an individual or family member with similar life experience. A CRM must complete an AMH approved addiction training program (peer delivered services) and be: A self-identified person in recovery from a substance use disorder, who meets the abstinence requirements for recovering staff in alcohol and other drug treatment programs (2 years of abstinence). |
The Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board of Oregon’s Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor Application: |
A Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor (PRC) is an ad- diction treatment and/or recovery consumer who has been trained and certified to help other consumers identify and achieve self-determined goals of recovery. The PRC cultivates the consumer’s ability to make informed, independent choices, and assists consumers in gaining information and support from the community. As a PRC, an individual accepts and agrees that his or her experience as an addiction consumer of treatment or broader recovery community self-help or other recovery-oriented services will be known by their colleagues, consumers and others with whom s/he may share that s/he has achieved this certification. “Certified Peer Recovery Addictions Counselor – Peer Delivered Services” means an array of agency or community-based ser-vices and supports provided by Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor, to individuals or family members with similar lived experience, that are designed to support the needs of individuals and families as applicable. “Certified Peer Recovery Addictions Counselor” means a self-identified person in recovery from a substance use disorder, who meets the abstinence requirements for recovering staff in alcohol and other drug treatment programs (2 years of abstinence). |
The following description is taken from the Oregon Health Authority website: A Peer Support Specialist (PSS) is any [range of] individuals who provide supportive services to a current or former consumer of mental health or addiction treatment. (From ORS 414.025) |
Setting(s) |
▪ Long-term recovery support services ▪ Drop-in centers ▪ Hospitals ▪ Community organizations ▪ Licensed behavioral health care clinics, jails, in reach and outreach ▪ Criminal justice settings |
Credential |
▪ Certification and the IC&RC Peer Recovery Credential ▪ Certified Recovery Mentor ▪ Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor ▪ Peer Support Specialist |
Credentialing Agency |
Mental Health & Addiction Certification Board of Oregon |
MHACBO – CRM Application |
Certification Requirements |
Certified Recovery Mentor: ▪ Proof of the completion of an Addiction and Mental Health (AMH)-approved substance use disorder training program ▪ Recovery from substance use ▪ Signature on the Ethical Standards of ACCBO Recovery Mentors Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor: ▪ 500 hours of supervised experience in the domains ▪ 25 hours of direct supervision ▪ 80 hours of training ▪ Passing score on the Peer Recovery National Psychometric Exam Peer Support Specialist: ▪ Approved training program or documentation of certification by a group that requires completion of an approved training program and at least 20 hours of continuing education every 3 years; OR ▪ documentation of employment or volunteer experience as apeer support specialist for at least 2,000 hours in Oregon from January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2014. ▪ Criminal background check |
Personal Recovery Required |
Yes: ☐ No: ☒ Years in Recovery: Choose an item. Additional Comments: Personal recovery cannot be legally enforced; however, most organizations will set a minimum of 2 years of recovery. |
Can a Family Member, Friend, or Recovery Ally Be a Recovery Coach? |
Family Member: ☐ Friend: ☐ Recovery Ally: ☐ No: ☒ Additional Comments: No, we want lived experience to match. Peer support specialists can work and limit the vicarious drama and pathology. |
Code of Ethics |
The Mental Health and Addiction Counseling Board of Oregon’sEthics Agreement is available at: |
(MHACBO) – Behavioral Health Code of Conduct |
Exam Criteria |
▪ Certified Recovery Mentor: None ▪ Certified Peer RecoveryAddiction Counselor: Peer Recovery National Psychometric Exam |
Fee(s) |
▪ Application fee: $100 ▪ Recertification fee: $100 |
Recertification/ Continued Education Units (CEU’s) |
Certified Recovery Mentor and Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor: Every 2 years: ▪ 20 clock hours of continuing education in Recovery Mentor continuing education topics, including a minimum of 6 hoursof ethics, boundaries, or self-care training ▪ Record of training ▪ Recertification fee Peer Support Specialist: ▪ 20 CEUs every 2 years |
Financing for Recovery Coaching Services |
Medicaid: ☒ Block Grants: ☒ Access to Recovery Grant: ☐ State General Revenue: ☐ Foundations: ☐ |
Training Requirements |
Certified Recovery Mentor: ▪ AMH-approved substance usedisorder training program Certified Peer Recovery Addiction Counselor: ▪ 40-hour OHA- approved Addiction Peer Curriculum plus 40 hours of additional training Peer Support Specialist: ▪ Approved training program or documentation of certification by a group that requires completion of an approved training program; AND ▪ At least 20 hours ofcontinuing education every 3 years or documentation of employment or volunteer experience as a peer support specialist for at least 2,000 hours in Oregon from January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2014. |
Competencies |
▪ Advocacy ▪ Mentoring and education ▪ Recovery and support ▪ Ethical responsibility |
Training Provider / Organization |
Information about training providers/organizations is available at: |
Oregon Health Authority : Page not found : State of Oregon |
Supervisory Training |
▪ Not Available |
Training Curriculum for Recovery Coach Supervisors |
▪ Not Available |
Is Training Curriculum Integrated (Mental Health and Substance Use)? |
▪ Training curriculum integration varies across 70 different peer-run organizations, with the majority offering dual certification in mental health and substance use. |
* Last Updated: October 2022 |